Saturday, October 11, 2008

a love like yours will surely come my way

haven't done this in a while.  yes, this i know.  not that i've been too busy.  maybe i have.  maybe i haven't.  i just haven't blogged.  that's all.  no worries though, i'm here now.  all is right with the world.  and i have a few things to share.

i love movies.  i mean, i work in the film industry, so it's pretty much a requirement.  though, i'm in no way a film expert.  i just love a good story.  and folks - i found one.  i make it a point to check out, on a regular basis, the trailers on the apple website.  some of them are ones i've never heard of before, but it's nice to see what's out there.  i did this a few months back, and i saw a trailer for a movie called 'rachel getting married.'  at that point, i had not heard anything about the film.  the only thing i knew is that anne hathaway was in it, and she was doing one of those "departure roles" - you know, where she plays anything other than a princess-like character.  so after i watched the trailer, i was excited.  i sent the link to people to watch it, and they seemed to agree that it looked like a good movie.  

sidenote:  living in the greater new york area has it's benefits - such as limited release movies.  so this past thursday, the wonderful jackie and i went to see it.  ladies and gentlemen - if you never ever listen to anything else that i say ever again, listen up.  GO SEE THIS MOVIE.  i become speechless - more like a rambling idiot - when i try to explain what it is about this movie that is driving me crazy.  director jonathan demme, best known for films like silence of the lambs, married to the mob, and philadelphia, nails this one.  it's being reviewed as his best film to date - and if you look at his track record, if people are saying that THIS movie is his best - shouldn't that at least peak your interest?  if not, listen up.  

the root of this movie is family.  it's about conflict, struggle, addiction, death, siblings, divorce.  it's about family.  the film is shot in handheld, which may make you nauseous - make sure to get there so you're not smack in the front.  even with this warning, i have to be honest, after the opening credits, i didn't even notice the shakiness.  the benefit of this style is the fact that you honestly feel like you are there.  you are with them in these intimate moments.  you are part of their family.  i think this is the root of these passionate reactions, b/c you not only are watching a brilliant story, but you are smack dab in the middle of it.  there are some scenes where it is so painfully honest (i.e. kym's speech at the rehearsal dinner, the addiction meeting) where you feel uncomfortable to be in the room.

it's relatable.  it's raw.  it's passionate.  it's even brutal.  there is a scene between anne hathaway and her mother (played by the amazing debra winger),  that absolutely breaks your heart.  the acting is phenomenal.  anne does a great job, and will probably be up for an oscar nomination, but this film is really about the ensemble cast.  rosemarie dewitt's portrayal of rachel, i think, is the staple of the film.  but with veterans like bill irwin, debra winger, and anna deavare smith - coupled with hathaway, dewitt, and even musician/frontman of TV on the Radio,  tunde adebimpe - this film is brilliant.  

you walk out of the theater with your jaw dropped, your heart opened, and a new appreciation of your family and loved ones.  and at least in my case, a handful of tissues.

the film was released in limited theaters on october 3rd, but i suggest you keep an eye out for when it's near your town.  if you see it based on this blog, and you don't like it - let me know.  i'll refund your money.  but if you see it, and it touches you - if it moves you like it did for me - please, come back and leave a comment about it.  i'm looking for anyone to talk about it with.  :)

i'll leave you with the trailer to check out.  and even though the trailer is good, it doesn't do the film justice.  give it a try.  

"this is not your family,
but this is your family."

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