sometimes when things are hyped, i try my best not to listen to it, but ultimately do. and in some cases, i'm pleased. and some cases i'm not. this one, folks. this one is amazing.
i will be the first to admit that i do not know every detail about the life and times of one mr. bob dylan. but all i know is that i was so intrigued by this movie. it was confusing a little bit at the beginning, because i missed the first 15 minutes or so because i was still checking people in for the screening. but there were empty seats, and i made my way in the back and sat down. the music, OBVIOUSLY was great. i found myself tapping my toes throughout most of the film. but people.....people, people, people.
cate blanchett. i know she's getting hype for playing dylan. i know people are talking about it. but damn it, they have a right to. i found myself at times wanting to watch a whole movie of just her. it was convincing, and it was incredible. i can go on and on about it here, but i just suggest that if you have any interest in seeing the movie at all, do it. and make sure you don't miss the beginning, and you can fill me in on what happens. haha.... it comes out for a limited release nationwide on november 21st. and i may just join you to see it again.
some of the themes are cold. but it's full of inside jokes and funny antecdotes that brought out some laughs. (including a quick scene with the fab four and cate's "bob" rolling down a hill, haha)
my favorite scene not involving cate blanchett would have to be the performance of "goin' to acapulco" by jim jones & calexico. the scene is just great, and jim jones' voice hits the spot.

other highlights of the evening include: checking in mark ecko (of ecko unlimited fame), kimberley pierce, joseph gordon-levitt, josh lucas, a boatload of yahoo people, and my personal favorite of the evening - sufjan stevens.
not too bad for a rainy friday night in manhattan.
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